Wizz Airline interview about our Ebru Art Workshops

Sait Çiftçi İlkokulu’nda çini boyama çalışması -Turkish art classes at Sait Çiftçi Primary School – Nişantaşı

Geleneksel ve modern desenlerden oluşan 10×10 karoları çizip boyamaya hazır hale getirdik. Çocukların çini sanatının aşamalarını görmelerine ve değişik bir obje boyamalarına imkan verdik.
   Ana sınıfından 4. Sınıf öğrencilerine kadar tüm öğrenciler bir ders saati boyunca çini nasıl boyanır öğrendiler ve fırınlandıktan sonra kendi boyadıkları eserlere sahip oldular.
(We made 10x10cm tiles and drawing lines of traditional and modern designs and made them ready for painting. We allowed the children to see the stages of the art of tile and to paint different objects. From the main class to the 4th grade students, all students were taught how to paint the tiles during one lesson and had their own paintings after tile firing.) .


6.th International Ebru Congress

This week was a spectacular week for ebru..Hikmet Barutcugil organised who is teacher of ebru at Mimar Sinan Fine Art University.Ebru lovers from all over the world came to Istanbul.
We met with them in many conference and exhibition.And they visited my studio .I hope keep going our ebru friendship.




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