Wizz Airline interview about our Ebru Art Workshops

Art workshops

Turkish Art workshops in Istanbul

If you want to join our classes ?Please get the workshop prices.


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Tile Painting            Marbling Paper            Indian henna          Ottoman calligraphy

Art workshops

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Article about our workshops



Interesting in a learning the art of Turkish felt-making at a master craftsman’s workshop? And making your very own hat, bag or even pair of shoes to take home? Or how about a spot of Ottoman marbling? Or a crash course in Turkish calligraphy? Or a Turkish tile and ceramic painting masterclass? Or, my personal favourite, a private lesson learning to play a Turkish musical instrument like a Qanun or an Oud?

Les Art Turcs offers a serious array of hands-on arts and culture workshops if you are interested to learn something new. They range from a couple of hours to full-day sessions. The team do look after you very well, and will throw in lunch if you are hanging around for a few hours. The institute’s sufism lectures are also worth checking out.